Follow the instructions on the software and using a USB Micro SD card reader or an adapter, format the SD card using your laptop or PC.Download SD Formatter 4.0 for either Windows or Mac and install it You need to format your SD card first.You need to install the latest version of NOOBS or Raspbian on your Pi, and for that you need a bootable SD card with the OS installed on it.

Getting the Operating System to install on the Pi Ethernet cable if you want to access internet through ethernet on the Pi which actualy we do want(Pi 3 comes with a built-in wireless LAN card which is very useful for our purpose, otherwise we would have needed a Wifi-Dongle).Display connection cables: HDMI cable/ HDMI to VGA converter(if your monitor does not have an HDMI port).

A Monitor or a TV as a display for thr Pi.A USB cable with an adapter to power the Pi up.A Raspberry Pi 3 board (obviously, but you can also do the same with a lower model Pi along with a wifi-dongle).A class 4 Micro SD card of at least 8GB size.Setting up your Raspberry Pi Prerequisites: A simple HTTP and HTTPS sniffing tool created using Raspberry Pi (only for educational purposes)Īll the relevant files can be found on my GitHub repo. Click here to subscribe for great content on productivity, life and technology. EDIT: I have moved to Substack and I regularly blog there.