A 64-bit version offers better performance by better utilizing your hardware, so be sure to switch to the 64-bit version as soon as you can.
Your device is not supported PUBG Mobile Bluestacks, at the moment PUBG Bluestacks – In order to run certain games, you’ll need to have a 64-bit version of Bluestacks installed. To fix the problem, increase the number of cores and amount of RAM in Bluestacks settings. Your device isn’t compatible with this version Bluestacks PUBG – This message can appear while trying to run PUBG, and it’s usually caused by your settings. This isn’t the only issue that users are dealing with, and here are some similar problems that users reported: There are various problems that can appear in Bluestacks, and a common problem is Device not compatible message. This can be a problem and prevent you from running certain games, so in today’s article, we’re going to show you how to fix this problem. One of the most popular Android emulators on the market is Bluestacks, but many users reported Device not compatible message when trying to run certain applications. If the certificate isn't there or looks different, your brother downloaded a shady, possibly malicious copy somewhere.Home › Gaming › Emulators › Fix the device not compatible error This is what it looks on my legit copy when I double click the certificate: I can't screenshot the windows dialog but a different way you can check the signature is right clicking the installer, going to 'Digital Signatures', and seeing if the signature is there. If it's not signed, something is definitely wrong. Is your brother 100% sure he downloaded bluestacks from the right place? If he has a legit copy, it will be signed by 'Bluestacks Systems, Inc.' when you try to launch the installer, and windows pops up that dialog of 'do you want to allow this program to make changes to your PC'.
If you're in the USA and the login is from like Russia or something then something is definitely up. Is your brother using a VPN, or is the area somewhat close by? But I would expect the area to be +- in the area you live in, or at least where your ISP is. Google does usually e-mail you about new logins from the Bluestacks emulator. They have their revenue streams like advertising and the whole 'game platform' shebang, it would be an utterly dumb business decision to start hacking people's accounts on the side lol.
For a non-PR-canned answer, yeah, I believe it's safe because they're a legit company and wouldn't risk going under for like.