Utah singers will present the music, along with Les Young, nationally acclaimed lyric bass, as the featured guest soloist. Howard Ruff, general manager of the Utah Lyric Opera Society, will act as master of ceremonies. For ticket reservations or additional information call 225-9236.The program will feature scenes from Mozart's "Don Giovanni" and Puccini's "La Boheme," as well as music and scenes from "Fiddler on the Roof," "Carousel" and "South Pacific." Music of Sigmund Romberg, Victor Herbert and a tribute to Frank Sinatra will also be presented. Canyon Road and in the University Mall, and will also be available at the door. Tickets can be purchased at the two Best in Music locations, 3145 N. Tickets are $15 per person, but two can be purchased for the price of one for those who ask. PROVO - Utah Lyric Opera Society will present its third annual Valentine's Day production, "Opera and Broadway for Lovers," Saturday, Feb.